Who is this for? #

A Presto Director who wants to add a custom email signature to all new email drafts.

Detailed steps #

  1. From the Dashboard, click on the Settings menu in the upper right corner and choose "See all settings".

Profile menu hightlighting the Manage your Presto profile button.

Press "Manage your Presto profile" in the Profile menu
  1. On the Profile settings page, press the "Edit Signature" button.
    • You'll use this button to edit or remove your signature, too.

Email Settings section with arrow pointing to the Edit Signature button.

Press the "Edit Signature" button
  1. Add text or media to your email signature. Press the "Add Email Signature" button to finish.

Email Signature form with Add Email Signature button highlighted.

Add text and/or media to your email signature.
  1. New draft emails will now include your signature! You can edit or remove the signature in each email.

New draft email with arrow pointing at the email signature.

New Email drafts will include your signature.

Next steps #

  • To update your email signature, press the "Edit Signature" button in Profile settings, make changes, and press the "Update Email Signature" button.
  • If you want to remove the email signature, edit the signature, remove all content, and press the "Update Email Signature" button.

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