Who is this for? #

Any director in an organization where a Presto district administrator has assigned an inventory audit to your organization.

What is an inventory audit? #

An inventory audit is meant to be a snapshot to allow directors and administrators to know the "last time" each inventory item was seen. When you complete an inventory audit, you will mark each item as present or absent.

Any item added to your program after the inventory audit was assigned to your organization will appear as a “New Item” in the list. You can only mark items as present or absent that were in your organization’s inventory before the audit was created. This helps to ensure the audit is a snapshot of the inventory at a specific point in time.

Tips #

  • Depending on how many items you have, it could help to assemble the various categories of inventory items in groups. For example, set all saxophone cases in a row or all violin cases in a row.
  • If possible, it might be quicker to have one person marking items as present or absent in Presto while another person reads the item numbers or names from the inventory items.
  • We suggest checking in all inventory items, perform the audit to assess the items, then checking out the items to members after the audit is complete.

View All Inventory Audits #

From the inventory page, open the inventory table’s “More actions” menu, located in the top-right corner of the table.

Inventory table More Actions menu highlighting the Inventory Audits option.

Choose the "Inventory Audits" option in the More Actions menu

View a Single Inventory Audit #

Click on a table row to see the details page for an inventory audit.

Inventory audits table highlighting the first row which is clickable.

Click on a row to view the details page for an inventory audit.

The top section of the details page will show overall information while the bottom shows all inventory items in your program.

Inventory audit details page showing overall data at the top and a table of inventory items at the bottom.

View details about the inventory audit.


Any row with "New Item" cannot be marked as present or absent. These items were added to your program after the inventory audit was assigned to your organization.

Mark as Present #

Press the "Present" button to pop open the "Mark as Present" confirmation dialog.

When marking as present, you can also add the following information the confirmation dialog:

  • Note to Administrator — add any notes you want to share with the district administrator for your Presto Assistant district
  • Data Changes Requested — if you lack permission to update inventory item data, you can request changes from the district administrator
  • Request Transfer to Another Campus — if you need to transfer the item to another campus, select the campus from the options

Inventory audit confirmation dialog to mark an item as present.

Update details for the item and submit to mark as present.

Mark as Absent #

Press the "Absent" button to pop open the "Mark as Absent" confirmation dialog.

Required: select an absence reason from the options menu, which includes the following:

  • Lost
  • Missing
  • Stolen
  • Destroyed
  • Out For Repair
  • Loaned To Another Campus
  • District Warehouse
  • Other

If you choose the "Other" option, provide a "Note to Administrator" in the input below.

The other fields in the confirmation dialog are the same as the "Mark as Present" confirmation dialog.

Inventory audit confirmation dialog to mark an item as absent.

Update details for the item and submit to mark as absent.

Complete the Inventory Audit #

When you have finished marking all items as present or absent, press the "Mark as Complete" button.

Inventory audit mark as complete button.

Mark the audit as complete when you are finished.

The confirmation dialog will alert you if you have any items that are not marked as present or absent.

Inventory audit complete confirmation dialog showing an alert.

The alert will warn about any unfinshed items.

If you have no items left to mark as present or absent, press the purple submit button to finish the inventory audit.

Inventory audit complete confirmation dialog.

If you are done with the audit, press the submit button.

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