Who is this for? #

Any District Admin user that needs to update who shows up in the Presto Assistant system as the head director for an organization.

Prerequisites #

  • The system will only allow setting a member of the Presto organization as the head director if they have signed in before. If the new head director needs to set up their user profile, this support article will help.

Detailed steps #

  1. Sign in to your Presto Assistant District account.

  2. Navigate to the Organizations page.

  3. In the Organizations table, choose "Change Director" from the "More Actions" menu on the row of the organization you need to update.

Organizations table highlighting the Change Director more action item.

Choose the "Change Director" button in the "More Actions" menu
  1. Choose a different director in the organization to appear as the new head director.

Select a head director from the options menu.

Select a new head director from the options
  1. All spots that show the Head Director or Organization Creator will now show the new director's name.

Organizations table highlighting the new director's information.

Organizations table with the new head director's name

Organization details page highlighting the new director's information.

Organization details page with the new head director's name

Next steps #

  • If needed, you can also remove the any director using the "Switch to Organization" button on an organization page. Find the director, edit the director's information, and press the "Remove Member" button near the bottom of the page.

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